Bootstrapping 1Password CLI using Expect

August 27, 2020

Did you know 1Password has a CLI tool? Password management and automation do not like each much. If I want automation then I cannot require user input. If I need a password then I should not store that in my automation.

1Password CLI helps us track all our passwords, but there is still a bootstrapping problem of authenticating against 1Password itself.

Let us explore a possible solution below.

Installing 1Password CLI

First, we need to download and installing 1Password. We will want this running within our production setup as well as locally.

For me, that means getting things running on Mac OSX (Debian) and Ubuntu. For the scripts below make sure to cd into where you want 1password installed). I will be using ~/.bin/1password on my Mac, and /opt/1password on Ubuntu.

Installing Go

The 1Password CLI runs on golang and you can find your download version here. It is also available via Brew with brew install golang.

Before proceeding, make sure go is installed correctly.

which go

Installing on a Mac OS X

For Mac, we run the following

sudo installer -pkg op_darwin_amd64_v${ONEPASSWORD_VERSION}.pkg -target /

If correctly installed the CLI tool and op is on your your $PATH, then you should see the right version of 1password installed.

op --version

Installing on Ubuntu (Linux)

On Linux (tested on Ubuntu 20.04), we run the following

unzip -u op_linux_amd64_v${ONEPASSWORD_VERSION}.zip

You should also verify the file you just downloaded using gpg as shown below

gpg --receive-keys 3FEF9748469ADBE15DA7CA80AC2D62742012EA22
gpg --verify op.sig op

If you get an error about when verifying the keys, consider changing your keyserver as shown below.

mkdir -p $HOME/.gnupg
echo "keyserver" >> $HOME/.gnupg/gpg.conf

As with Mac OSX, if correctly installed the CLI tool and op is on your your $PATH, then you should see the right version of 1password installed.

op --version

Running 1Password CLI

Before we try to automate password management with the CLI, first make sure you use the tool directly. Read the introduction from 1Password for way more details

Let’s confirm you can sign-in, please use your own credentials :-)

op signin my

The output will prompt you for your Secret Key and your Password.

$ op signin my
Enter the Secret Key for at AB-CDEFG-...
Enter the password for at 

You can find most of information in the Preferences of the 1Password GUI.

1password secret information

One password will then give you a 30-minute token

export OP_SESSION_my="abcdef123456"
# This command is meant to be used with your shell's eval function.
# Run 'eval $(op signin my)' to sign in to your 1Password account.
# Use the --raw flag to only output the session token.

Using that token, we can now make secure calls to our 1Password vault. Here is an example of listing out our vaults.

op list vaults --session abcdef123456

If everything worked as expected your output should look similar to


If something went wrong (e.g. you copy the fake token above), then you might get an error like.

[ERROR] 2020/08/27 16:26:09 Invalid session token

Bootstrap 1Password Session with Expect

Once we have the session token, our automate scripts can work person-free for 30-minutes (yipee), but it is still a bit arduous generate and will need documentation (like this article) to accompany your automation scripts.

Let’s explore how we could automate session generation using expect. Let’s create a script called opsession (and make it executable chmod 700 opsession).


set timeout 20

log_user 0
spawn op signin --raw
expect -re "Enter the Secret Key for at " { send "AB-CDEFG-HIJKL\r" }
expect -re "Enter the password*" { send "n1c3try\r" }
expect {
    -re "\n(.*)\r\n" {set result $expect_out(1,string)}
expect *
log_user 1
puts $result

You will need to change the following

Field Description
my from Your organization name with 1Password Your email
AB-CD-EF Your Secret Key
nicetry Your global 1password password

If we run our script


It should output a valid token like


We can now use that script directly against an op opeation like

op list vaults --session $(./opsession)

Or, we could store the OP_SESSION and re-use it

op list vaults --session $OPSESSION
op list users --session $OPSESSION

Split opsession generation from op usage

The script above is not safe, as it contains the very 1password that you were sworn to protect.

In the diagram below we show how we can isolate the safety of opsession from its usage (and ultimate destruction).

Creating opsession locally

In the above,

A. An administrator / keeper of keys can generate an opsession locally.

B. The admin can securely transfer opsession to the appropriate build environment.

C. All your build scripts can now securetly interact with op without ever having to ask a real person for a secret.

D. When the build script is done, you can delete your opsession completely removing any trace of those very secret secrets.

A major benefit to the above is that once opsession is seeded into your (secure) build environment then you can completely automate all your secret needs.

Warning, Warning, Protect that opsession

After some conversations with a colleague Tom, he raised concerns about possibly being careless with the opsession file and accidentially exposing to our 1password account.

Indeed, we are trading increased levels of automation with increased security exposure as our opsession does contain all the necessary ingredients to access your 1password account. For small teams (or solo-preneurs) that’s fine, but within an organization the exposure from carelessness is not worth it.

To avoid sharing that information directly you can instead just share the 30-minute token as discussed here. By just sharing the token, your build server is now

Code Generator for opsession

Let’s take our automation one step further, and securely genreate that opsession file for you.

We use read -p to collect information from admin user about their 1password setup, and can even mask the password using read -s -p. We make this file only access to the current user with chmod 700 opsession.


read -p "Enter the Account: " ACCOUNT
read -p "Enter the Email: " EMAIL
read -p "Enter the Secret Key: " SECRET_KEY
read -s -p "Enter your Password: " PASSWORD
echo ""

printf "%b" "#!/usr/bin/expect

set timeout 20
log_user 0
spawn op signin --raw ${ACCOUNT} ${EMAIL}
expect -re \"Enter the Secret Key for ${EMAIL} at ${ACCOUNT} \" { send \"${SECRET_KEY}\\\\r\" }
expect -re \"Enter the password*\" { send \"${PASSWORD}\\\\r\" }
expect {
    -re \"\\\\n(.*)\\\\r\\\\n\" {set result \$expect_out(1,string)}
expect *
log_user 1
puts \$result" > opsession

chmod 700 opsession

And here we are, a few additional scripts later but we now have a relatively straight forward way to automate our scripts but also have some great security around not sharing passwords within those scripts (or repositories).
